La Malédiction des Dunois

Following a murder in the town of Beaugency, a captain of the gendarmerie, a humorist in his spare time, is appointed to lead the investigation.

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L'été nucléaire

Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evactued the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.

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« From the earth to the end of the universe,
let’s travel to the heart of the legend of Princess Andromeda. »

  • De la terre aux confins de l’univers, nous voyageronsau coeur de la légende de la princesse Andromède.Elle incarne la nature et la beauté parfaite.Mais victime de l’insolence de sa mère Cassiopée,elle sera mise au supplice par le dieu Poseidon.
  • À bout de force, la princesse trouve refuge dans un souvenir.Celui de sa rencontre et de ses danses avec les Néréidesdans la nature enchanteresse de son enfanceinsouciante et sereine.Devenue adulte, elle sera d’une beauté égale à celle des dieuxce qui attisera la jalousie des Nymphes de Poseidon.
  • Pour la punir de sa beauté qu’il juge insolente ,Le dieu des océans invoque le monstre.Andromède affronte sa colère de tout son êtreen puisant sa force dans l’espace et la nature.A bout de souffle, elle sera sauvée par Persée qui,porté par son cheval ailé, terrassera le monstre.C’est ainsi qu’Andromède échappera au sombre dessein de Poseidon.
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Impressions de Loire : Le court-métrage symphonique

Discover in music the majestic river “La Loire »

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When Fire Flies

A quiet, fugitive scientist takes measures into his own hands to save the world from extinction.

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In a remote Scottish mansion an ancient doll sits, waiting to be evaluated by an antique expert. Despite being aware of the doll’s history of being cursed, Dr. Brendan Cole is unprepared for when he and his stepdaughter Rose become the focus of the curse of ‘The Infernal Princess’. The film switches between modern day and the 1700s in order to tell the history behind the doll and its curse.

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L'été nucléaire

The grey Jedi

Battle Bordel

L'héritage à l'envers



L'infidélité à l'envers
